The following are the best and result oriented skin care scrub products .The information about the products has been explained in details and If you love the products just follow the links provided below the images to buy the items at Fatush One Stop Shop
Swahili Bridal Scrub Mask
This is a ready to use scrub mask.A natural treatment for acne,hyper pigmentantions , sunburns,bad pregnancy masks.spots on the skin and much more blemishes

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Sandalwood Powder
This is the best remedy for skin problems like acne,sunburns, black spots,and it is best used with rose water

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Binti Dhahabu Stone
Stone widely used for anti aging properties,acts on fine lines and wrinkles to bring out youthful skin.Use with Sandal wood powder and Rosewater.

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Binti Dhahabu Powder
Stone is widely known for its anti aging properties,Acts on fine lines,wrinkles and skin tone bringing back your youthful beautiful skin.Crush to use with Sandalwood powder and Rose water.

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